The Federation North and South Cowton Community and Melsonby Methodist Primary Schools

Together Stronger


Concerns or Complaints

At The Federation of North & South Cowton Community Primary School and Melsonby Methodist Primary School, we try our best to ensure that the needs of all our children and parents/carers are met and that our school is a safe and happy place for all.  However, we do recognise that at times concerns can arise and we ask that these be brought to our attention as soon as possible to allow us time to investigate an incident or problem.

Problems sometimes arise from misunderstandings, which are easily addressed.  Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child's class teacher.  We believe that when parents/carers and teaching staff treat each other with mutual respect and support, this provides a very good role model for all our children.

Our ultimate aim is to find a way forward together, which serves the best interest of both the school and your child.

The Federation Governing Body have implemented one complaints procedure to be used across both schools within The Federation. 

If you have a complaint about the SEND provision for your child, in the first instance please speak with your child's class teacher.  If the situation is not resolved, please arrange a meeting with Mrs Claire Whitby, our SENDCO. 

If the situation remains unresolved, please follow the procedure set out in the procedure document.

Complaints Procedure

The complaints procedure is not limited to parents or carers of children that are registered at The Federation School's. Any person, including members of the public, may make a complaint to The Federation about any provision of facilities or services that we provide. Unless complaints are dealt with under separate statutory procedures (such as appeals relating to exclusions or admissions), we will use this complaints procedure.

A concern may be defined as ‘an expression of worry or doubt over an issue considered to be important for which reassurances are sought’.

A complaint may be defined as ‘an expression of dissatisfaction however made, about actions taken or a lack of action’.

It is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure. The Federation takes concerns seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

Concerns should be raised with either the class teacher or Executive Headteachers. If the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to make a formal complaint.

Complainants should not approach individual governors to raise concerns or complaints. They have no power to act on an individual basis and it may also prevent them from considering complaints at Stage 2 of the procedure.

Complaints against school staff should be made in the first instance, to Mrs Robinson (Executive Head Teacher) via either school office. Please mark them as Private and Confidential. Complaints that involve or are about the Executive Headteachers should be addressed to Mrs Gail Smith (the Chair of Governors), via the school office. Please mark them as Private and Confidential.

Complaints Procedure